Home. In a better way.

Wasted spaces, cluttered areas, lack of functionality... The checklist can be long when it comes to explaining the discomfort felt at home.
iMAJinES provides you with support in you searches for solutions which fit your actual lifestyle while giving back its credentials to your home, all this as from a package you feel comfortable with.

Space optimization
Focus: Help the customer to project himself into the space
Following an on-site meeting during which we discuss the issues felt as well as the customer’s actual lifestyle and based on the existing plans of the building, creation of a "space distribution plan" in two alternative versions.

Design and Staging
Focus: Decoration
Three options that can be selected independently or in combination:
Option 1:
Design of custom furniture
Option 2:
Selection of finishes, textures, furniture etc. at various suppliers. Creation of a summary file of the information collected
Option 3:
Provision of 3D visuals of the projected furnitures and areas

Follow-up implementation works
Focus : ​Ensure a smooth transformation process
Preparation of a tender dossier for the implementation of the contemplated detailed project design
Works' monitoring:
Facilitation of the communication with contractors
Budget and project schedule monitoring
Regular site visits